ECM 2007ECM 2004TUV 2015 EÚ logo GDPR logo

DPP Ltd. is the company located in Rybník which was founded in the year 2007. The main reason of its establishment was to use the skills of people from the local region in the manufacture and assembly of power units. Its production is especially focused on pressure and non-pressure parts of boilers, combusting classic energy sources as well as units combusting biomass energy sources. Later our company extended the subject of enterprise about the electrical and lifting classified technical equipment (s.certificates).

Concerning quality assurance, our company is the holder of the Certificate of Quality ISO 9001:2008 for lockmithery, metalworks and production and the assembly of pressure, electrical and lifting devices and we applied the system of environmental management according to STN EN ISO 14001:2005 and system of occupational health and safety management according to STN OHSAS 18001:2008.

The basic corporate credo is the flexible approach to our customers - delivery of products and services in the required quality and on time.